With so many schools moving towards wholistic applications or making the GRE optional for admission, I was curious to see what impacts the coronavirus would have on students looking to
Author: Emma Baumgardner
Getting Involved in Grad School
In my last blog post, I mentioned writing my final paper on the campus experience/culture of community colleges and four year universities. One of the things that I touched on
Community Colleges vs 4 Year Institutions
For the final assignment in this course, I chose to write my paper on what life looks like on community college and 4 year university’s campuses from both a faculty
College and Coronavirus
These days, there is so much uncertainty surrounding what the future holds. But, one thing that is certain is that everyone is looking forward to the days when we can
Higher Education Around the World
These past few weeks, we have been learning about how higher education differs around the world with a specific focus on the countries that our classmates are from. This was
Future of the University
While there are numerous things that I believe higher education does well throughout the country, there are several things that I believe could be improved to enhance the experience of
Technology and Higher Education
Although it is from 2013, I found an interesting article about how faculty members are utilizing technology, and social media specifically, in the classroom. I thought it could be neat
For this unit, we have been focusing on open access and the pros and cons that come with it. When looking for a journal that adhered to open access, I
Mission Statements
For this assignment, I choose to look at my alma mater, The University of Mary Washington. Additionally, I thought it might be interesting to look at something entirely different, so